Sunday, 28 September 2014

Garden Compost decompose faster


A compost pile with the proper mixture of dried leaves, food scraps, leaf clippings, etc can produce a nutrient-rich material to promote thriving plant life. But, compost can take up to two years to fully decompose if the right environment is not provided. Here are several steps that can be taken to speed up the compost process:
Aim to limit the size of the compost pile to make sure it heats up quicker. An ideal size is in the region of 3 foot square x 3 foot high. A compost pile can reach the preferred heat range of about 140° Fahrenheit with the right conditions provided. Heat is a result of microbial action which is critical to help break down the waste materials. A large pile can take significantly longer to heat up and produce beneficial compost material to encourage thriving plant life.
Turn It Over
The beneficial microbes rely on a source of oxygen to speed up the process of breaking down the waste ingredients. By turning the material every 7 to 10 days, a lot more air is able to penetrate and reach the waste materials at the bottom. If it isn't practical to keep turning the pile, a compost aerator or pitchfork can be used to let more air enter the pile.
Use the Right Combination
For the fastest possible decomposition, a compost pile can benefit from a 20 to 1 carbon to nitrogen ratio. Material rich in carbon include shredded paper, sawdust, dry leaves, straw, and corn stalks. Materials rich in nitrogen include seaweed, grass clippings, alfalfa hay, fresh garden plants, and kitchen scraps. Soybean meal and alfalfa meal are great alternatives for adding in more nitrogen. Also, an organic activator can be applied to the compost to further boost the rate at which the materials decompose.
Keep It Moist
Water is also required in the process of making the compost. A well-kept pile should be moist and damp, but not waterlogged or soggy. Also, try to give a compost pile protection from the elements to stop it from getting in a soggy state all the time.
Shred It
A compost pile with small and broken down materials will work that much faster. Try to chop up kitchen scraps and use a shredder on garden waste before adding to the pile. Also, by blending the kitchen scraps it helps to add a lot more moisture to the compost pile.

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